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Tailgating Good Idea

Tailgating Good Idea
There is car seat in the back,GOOD MOM!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

RCWcodejoke "Speeding to School"

RCWcodejoke say`s "speeding is ever a good thing". Dumb Driver`s don`t obey the laws,that ensure children live,after riding in cars with parents that LOVE them. Dumb Driver`s Speeding kill more than any other Broken RCWcodejoke. The use of a blinker wrong never kills anyone,"Dumb Driver KILLS not the CAR!!!!". Dumb Driver Speeding to School with kids in your car,seem smart to you? Dumb Driver Speeding to School in the same CAR everyday,by the same houses,down the same road to SCHOOL with kids in the back seat,seem smart??? Hope they don`t grow up to be a Dumb DRIVE like THEIR PARENTS. All we can hope is that someone helps them. RCWcodejoke say`s"SLOW DOWN and SAVE LIVES" It could be someone close to you! Don`t be the kind of parent that tells your kid "you own the road" Then You Become a Dumb Driver. Dumb Driver`s cause insurance to be enforced for all,not just the Dumb Driver`s. Drivers license is a honesty bar,we know that they DON`T WORK. Vending Machines are in use because,HONESTY BARS don`t work!!!! Drive down to your School and watch the DUMB DRIVER`S(MOM`S)driving the bus to SCHOOL!!

Make Money from Home

Good Drivers always do this -

When is a Turn Signal Needed?

Extra Cash