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Tailgating Good Idea

Tailgating Good Idea
There is car seat in the back,GOOD MOM!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

RCW Code Joke (turn signal)

RCW Code Joke is when a driver has no clue as to what they are doing,but fakes it. Then a blinker is used when in a turn only lane,then they drive down the road turn with no blinker and it was needed. That`s when someone dies,not the dumb driver,always somebodies kid. If it has been more than two years since your last drivers test, one is needed.RCW codes for lane travel laws change every year,do you know all of them. As a good driver you can not afford to hurt someone with your car,or teach your kids bad driving habits.Lane travel laws are there to help kids survive riding in cars,turn signals don`t kill when you don`t use them,or use them wrong.Speeding will take away the only thing insurance can`t replace, YOUR KIDS!!Lane travel laws and speeding laws help save lives,do your part and slow down PLEASE!.Thank you for reading,hope this helps with safe guarding your children.I Love Mine!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

RCW Codes Save Lives

When RCW Codes are broken,people can die(children)and they don`t drive,they ride with mom and or dad. When we drive like everybody is in the way,you need to stop and look at your kids in the back seat. Think they want to go to the hospital in pain,to never be the same again. You buy insurance to give them good health,then put them in your car and drive like you want them to suffer pain. RCW Codes are in place to keep children save on the road,not put them in the graveyard.If you can read the plate on the back of the car in front you,then you are a dumb driver! buy a car seat for big money,use your blinker,then speed to the next stop light and hit the car in your way. This makes you a dumb driver,RCW Codes are in place and law enforcement should set a good example so the rest of us will know whats right or wrong.When law enforcement drives across lines for lane travel,what are we to do. We as adults can`t make good driving habits part of our lives,then your kids may kill class members.Thinking that blinkers are a must,so is following the speed limits. This and only this will make you feel like you have done something wright. slow down and teach your kids that the drive is the fun part,not getting there fast. You want to drive fast go to the track,spend the money and go fast.When you wreck it`s just you,no kids in the back seat.

Make Money from Home

Good Drivers always do this -

When is a Turn Signal Needed?

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