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Tailgating Good Idea

Tailgating Good Idea
There is car seat in the back,GOOD MOM!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Turn Only Lane Laws

The Law about lane travel,why if your a good driver does the blinker get used after you change lanes,or into a turn only lane. The turn signal is needed to change lanes and lets other drives know what is happening and avoid wrecks with cars around them. Law says you can`t change lanes 100 feet before or after an intersection. R.C.W. Code Joke Law says first legal driving lane,not the parking lane. R.C.W.Code Joke Law says a turn signal is not needed once you are in the turn only lane. You pull up to a stoplight and you can go left or right,NO straight thought traffic, there is no need for the blinker. Doing this every time you approach a bend in the road where you can`t go straight,you will appear like a dumb driver. Driving on the painted lines on the road is a test of how good or bad your driving skills appear to other drivers. Stopping to turn across two solid yellow lines,solid bold white line for turn only lane,with a blinker you are a dumb driver. R.C.W. Code Joke Law is for all who want to help save teen lives.Show the children around your town a good driver,go the speed limit.Watch out for others,you can avoid wrecks save lives!

Friday, August 14, 2009

BIG Man Behind the Wheel

When a speeding Dumb Driver feels like the big man at the wheel,you can bet that he won`t get out and back up his mouth. He must know that phones are in every car,and some people will use them,if it can save a life of a child. The man was in a bad way having more hair than brains and more mouth than BALLS. I was going the speed limit of thirty-five,when here comes the man with no brains and no headache. The Baby balls he had told him to yell at me to pull over,so I did and to my surprise HA! HA! he drove off in his Bronco at a high rate of speed. Stops at the store and buys beer,to help him cope with the bad life he leads. When your that bad to people you don`t know,how good do you thing he is to the people he does know. His wife (like he has one)is a dumb ass driver,worst than he is,and if he does have kids, MAN! you know what they are like!! Well they will be in a car wreck at some point in their lives,I hope no one dies!!When one Dumb Driver from that family gets sewed for hurting someone with the car dumb ass Dad driver teaches his kids to be an ASS just like him,must make you happy to hear that!Speeding kills other peoples children.When you see a dumb diver report them,you just may save a life.I`m sure he knows I took his photo to post,but looking back I must consider that he is not smart enough to go on line,thinks that means dumb driving on center line. Oh almost forgot HE did use his blinker after trying to run in to my convertible mustang.jealousy over my car being nicer than his beater bronco. Because he was bigger than I he got mouthy, until I pulled over.If you have children don`t let them see you drive like an dumb ass!

Make Money from Home

Good Drivers always do this -

When is a Turn Signal Needed?

Extra Cash