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Tailgating Good Idea

Tailgating Good Idea
There is car seat in the back,GOOD MOM!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

RCW Codes For Speeding

RCW Code jokes are there to protect the ones we love. When you break them is the reason people die in car wrecks. When you speed and then loose control your car goes a long ways off the road,into a house or yard,where children are playing. When breaking one RCW code joke does not mean you need to use that turn signal when not needed! When you speed into a school zone with kids in your car, don`t use your blinker to turn into the school yard,all it does is make you look like a loser.When driving your car Laws are there to keep you safe,allowing you to carry the ones you love,kids,cats,dogs,your wives mom,or husbands dad.RCW code Share of the road can be fun,not every body is in your way! Speed,Tailgate,Bad lane change,,Blinker? OK dumb!!!

Make Money from Home

Good Drivers always do this -

When is a Turn Signal Needed?

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